
  • Geneerinen Crestor

    Rosuvastatin 5/10/20/40mg

    Generic Crestor is a cholesterol-lowering medication that blocks the production of cholesterol in the body. It works by reducing levels of "bad" cholesterol (low-density lipoprotein, or LDL) and triglycerides in the blood, while increasing levels of "good" cholesterol (high-density lipoprotein, or HDL).

    € 1.49
  • Geneerinen Lipitor

    Atorvastatin 10/20/40/80mg

    Generic Lipitor is a cholesterol-lowering drug. Your doctor may prescribe it along with a special diet if your blood cholesterol or triglyceride level is high and you have been unable to lower your readings by diet alone. The drug works by helping to clear harmful low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol out of the blood and by limiting the body's ability to form new LDL cholesterol.

    € 0.74
  • Geneerinen Livalo

    Pitavastatin 1/2/4mg

    Livalo (pitavastatiini) kuuluu lääkeryhmään, jota kutsutaan HMG-CoA-reduktaasin estäjiksi tai "statiineiksi". Pitavastatiini vähentää "huonoa" kolesterolia (alhaisen tiheyden lipoproteiinia tai LDL:tä) ja triglyseridejä veressä lisäämällä samalla "hyvää" kolesterolia (suuritiheyksistä lipoproteiinia tai HDL: tä). Livaloa käytetään aikuisten hoitoon, joilla on korkea kolesteroli. Kolesterolin alentaminen voi auttaa ehkäisemään sydänsairauksia ja valtimoiden kovettumista, sairauksia, jotka voivat johtaa sydänkohtaukseen, aivohalvaukseen ja verisuonitauteihin.

    € 0.79
  • Geneerinen Lopid

    Gemfibrozil 300mg

    Generic Lopid is used for treating high blood cholesterol and triglyceride.

    € 2.03
  • Geneerinen Questran

    Cholestyramine 4gm

    Questran auttaa laskemaan veren kolesterolia (rasvahappoja). Korkea kolesterolitaso on yhteydessä kohonneeseen sydänsairauden ja ateroskleroosin (tukkeutuneet valtimot) riskiin. Questran-lääkettä käytetään alentamaan veren korkeaa kolesterolitasoa, erityisesti LDL-kolesterolia ("paha" kolesteroli). Questran-jauhetta käytetään myös hoidettaessa sappiteiden sappirakon tukoksesta aiheutuvaa kutinaa.

    € 3.98
  • Geneerinen Tricor

    Fenofibrate 160/200mg

    Generic Tricor is used for controlling high cholesterol and triglyceride levels in the blood. It is used in combination with a diet low in cholesterol and saturated fat. Generic Tricor is a lipid-lowering agent. It lowers elevated blood triglyceride levels by making the liver produce fewer triglycerides and increasing the elimination of triglycerides from the blood stream.

    € 1.42
  • Geneerinen Zetia

    Ezetimibe 10mg

    Generic Zetia is used for treating high blood cholesterol along with a low-fat, low-cholesterol diet. It may be used alone or with other medicines. It is also used to treat high blood sitosterol and campesterol along with diet therapy.

    € 1.42
  • Geneerinen Zocor

    Simvastatin 5/10/20/40mg

    Generic Zocor is used for lowering high cholesterol and triglycerides in certain patients. It is used along with an appropriate diet. It is also used in certain patients to reduce the risk of heart attack, stroke, and death due to coronary heart disease. It is also used to reduce the need for medical procedures to open blocked blood vessels. It is also used in certain patients to reduce the risk of heart attack, stroke, blood vessel blockage, or chest pain caused by angina.

    € 0.92

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