Hud Pleje

  • Generisk Vaniqa

    Eflornithine 13.9% 15g

    Generic Vaniqa 13.9% Cream is an enzyme inhibitor used topically to slow the growth of unwanted facial hair in women. It does not remove hair.
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    kr 440.57
  • A-ret®

    Tretinoin 0.1% 20g

    Tretinoin topical (for the skin) is used to treat acne, to smooth rough facial skin, and to reduce the appearance of fine wrinkles and mottled skin discoloration.
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    kr 153.01
  • Generisk Acticin

    Permethrin 30g

    Generic Acticin cream is used to treat scabies.
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    kr 139.16
  • Generisk Aczone

    Dapsone 100mg

    Aczone er et antiinfektiøst middel.
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    kr 486.73
  • Generisk Aldara

    Imiquimod 5% 0.25g

    Generic Aldara (Imiquimod) er en salve, som bruges til behandling af vorter på den udvendige side af kønsorganer og rektalområde, kaldet condyloma acuminatum. Den hjælper ikke mod vorter, som ligger inde i vagina, penis eller endetarm. Imiquimod bruges også til behandling af hudtilstand i ansigtet og hovedbunden, der hedder (AK), som skyldes et langvarigt ophold i solen. Imiquimod påvirker immunsystemet for at hjælpe kroppen med at bekæmpe vira, der forårsager vorter. Den ødelægger ikke viraene direkte. Det vides ikke, hvordan imiquimod virker mod actinic keratosis eller hudkræft.
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    kr 90.45
  • Generisk Aristocort

    Triamcinolone 4mg

    Generic Aristocort reduces the actions of chemicals in the body that cause inflammation, redness, and swelling. It is used to treat the inflammation caused by a number of conditions such as allergic reactions, eczema, and psoriasis.
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    kr 8.12
  • Generisk Azelex

    Azelaic Acid 20% 15g

    Generic Azelex is used for treating mild to moderate acne.
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    kr 162.30
  • Generisk Bactroban

    Mupirocin 2% 5g

    Bactroban (mupirocin) er et antibiotikum, der forhindrer bakterier i at vokse på din hud. Bactroban lokal (til brug på huden) anvendes til behandling af hudinfektioner, som børnesår eller en "Staph" infektion i huden.
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    kr 173.87
  • Generisk Benzac

    Benzoyl Peroxide 2.5% 20g

    Generic Benzac gel is used for treating acne.
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    kr 115.91
  • Benzoyl

    Benzoyl Peroxide 2.5% 20/5% 20g

    Generic Benzoyl gel is used for treating acne.
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    kr 125.18
  • Contractubex

    Heparin Sodium + Allantoin + Onion Extract 10g

    Contractubex er et generisk lægemiddel og et af de bedste midler mod alle typer sår. Det forbedrer hud heling ved at forhindre dannelsen af kraftig sårvæv indvendig fra. Det formindsker kløe,rødme, følelse af strækning af epidermis, heler sårvæv ved at gøre det mere elastisk og jævn.
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    kr 0.00
  • Contractubex®

    Heparin Sodium + Allantoin + Onion Extract 20g

    Contractubex® er et meget effektivt behandlingsmiddel for alle typer sår. Det medvirker aktivt til helingsprocessen i huden og reducerer ar indefra. Forebygger mod dannelse af kraftig sårvæv, reducerer rødme, kløe og følelse af strækning, gør sår mere jævn og forbedrer elasticiteten.
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    kr 0.00
  • Generisk Desonate

    Desonide 0.05% 10g

    Desonate er et steroid. Det forhindrer frigivelse af stoffer i kroppen, der forårsager inflammation. Desonate topikal (for huden) anvendes til behandling af betændelse og kløe forårsaget af en række hudsygdomme, såsom allergiske reaktioner, eksem og psoriasis.
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    kr 62.55
  • Generisk Differin

    Adapalen 0.1% 15g

    Differin er en lokalt virkende medicin (en medicin som påføres hudoverfladen) ligesom A vitamin. Det hjælper huden til at forny sig selv.
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    kr 0.00
  • Generisk Diprolene

    Betamethasone 0.12% 20g

    Generisk Diprolene er et steroid med betamethason som en aktiv bestandde, som forhindrer frigivelsen af stoffer i kroppen, der forårsager betændelse. Betamethason for huden anvendes til behandling af inflammation og kløe forårsaget af hudproblemer, såsom eksem, psoriasis eller allergiske reaktioner.
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    kr 69.58
  • Generisk Droxia

    Hydroxyurea 500mg

    Generic Droxia is used for treating skin cancer, cancer of the ovary or chronic myelocytic leukemia that is recurrent, has spread or cannot be helped with surgery. It may also be used with radiation to control skin cancers of the head and neck.
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    kr 25.22
  • Generisk Efudex

    Fluorouracil 1% 10g

    Generisk Efudex griber ind i hudcellernes vækst. Fluorouracil fungerer ved at slå de celler, der vokser hurtigst, ihjel. Dette er for eksempel anormale hudceller. Topisk Fluorouracil, som smøres på huden, bruges til at behandle skællet overvækst på huden (kaldet aktinisk keratose eller solkeratose). Topisk Fluorouracil kan også bruges til behandlingen af overfladisk basalcellekarcinom, den mest almindelige form for hudkræft.
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    kr 139.09
  • Generisk Elocon

    Mometasone 5g

    Generic Elocon is used to treat the inflammation and itching caused by a number of skin conditions such as allergic reactions, eczema, and psoriasis.
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    kr 104.37
  • Generisk Grifulvin

    Griseofulvin 250mg

    Generic Grifulvin is used for treating fungal infections of the scalp, body, foot (athlete's foot), nails, thigh (jock itch), or hair follicles (barber's itch).
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    kr 5.70
  • Heximar® Ointment

    Calcipotriol 15g

    Heximar® salve er et syntetisk vitamin D-derivat, der bruges til behandling af psoriasis hos voksne og børn over 6 år. Det nedsætter hastighed, hvormed hudceller vokser, og kontrollerer derved den psoriasiske tilstand. Det kan bruges alene eller i kombination med andre lægemidler.
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    kr 271.30
  • Generisk Ilosone

    Erythromycin 500mg

    Generic Ilosone is used to treat many kinds of infections and to prevent ''strep'' infections in patients with a history of rheumatic heart disease who may be allergic to penicillin.
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    kr 10.05
  • Isofair®

    Isotretinoin 10/20/30/40mg

    Isofair is a special soft gel capsule of a red color. They are designed to treat acne, as well as other problems of this kind on the skin. The active substance of this drug is a synthetic analogue of vitamin A, isotretinoin. Tablets act primarily on the human genes, which are responsible for the functioning of the sebaceous glands. As a result of the use of this drug, there is a significant decrease in the sebum secretion. This leads to complete neutralization of acne in problem areas. In addition, Isofair also has regenerative properties, which also significantly speeds up the treatment process. As soon as acne and other pathologies on the skin begin to disappear, as a result of the action of the drug components in the integumentary system, metabolism is activated. All this leads to the most rapid healing of affected areas of the skin without the slightest sign of problems. This Generic Accutane is produced by an Indian pharmaceutical company, named Johnlee Pharmaceuticals.
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    kr 10.44
  • Isotroin®

    Isotretinoin 10/20/30mg

    Many teenagers and some adults report getting some pimples, many of which they can treat with over-the-counter acne products. Fighting severe acne – especially cystic acne, which can lead to scarring – sometimes requires a potent prescription drug known as isotretinoin, a derivative of vitamin A. Pharmacies in the U.S. sell isotretinoin under the brand name Accutane, produced by drug manufacturer Hoffman-LaRoche. Cipla Ltd., a company based in India, also manufactures a medication in India and Greece that contains isotretinoin. Marketed under the brand name Isotroin, it is available in gel capsules. Generic Accutane Capsules (Isotroin), is an extremely powerful and potent acne-controlling medicine, is used to treat severe recalcitrant nodular acne which are resistant to therapy, particularly cystic acne and acne conglobata, especially when the lesions involve the trunk. Nodules are inflammatory lesions which have a diameter of 5 mm or greater.
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    kr 10.44
  • Lamisil

    Terbinafine 1% 10g

    Generic Lamisil Cream is used for treating fungal infections of the fingernails and toenails.
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    kr 69.52
  • Generisk Mentax

    Butenafine 1% 15g

    Generic Mentax is used for treating certain fungal infections of the skin.
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    kr 92.72
  • Generisk Micatin

    Miconazole 2% 15g

    Miconazole salve bruges til behandling af svampeinfektioner i huden såsom fodsvamp, tinea inguinalis, ringorm, tinea versicolor (en svamp, der misfarver huden) og gærinfektioner i huden. Undecylensyre er en fedtsyre, der virker ved at forhindre svampens vækst. Zink i dette middel virker ved at reducere irritation og hævelse forårsaget af ​​disse typer svampeinfektioner. Midlet må ikke bruges til behandling af svampeinfektioner i hovedbunden eller negle.
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    kr 0.00
  • Generisk Neoral

    Cyclosporine 25/50/100mg

    Generic Neoral is used for preventing the rejection of organ transplants (kidney, liver, and heart). This medicine is also used to treat psoriasis and rheumatoid arthritis in certain patients.
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    kr 20.87
  • Nizoral

    Ketoconazole 2% 15g

    Generic Nizoral is used for treating fungal infections.
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    kr 81.12
  • Generisk Nizoral Shampoo

    Ketoconazole 2.00% 100ml

    Nizoral shampoo with a basic component named Ketoconazole is an antifungal medication that fights against infections caused by fungus. Ketoconazole is not designed for the fingernails or toenails treatment. This medicine shouldn't be also used during the treatment of prostate cancer or Cushing syndrome.
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    kr 83.43
  • Generisk One-alpha

    Alfacalcidol 0.25/0.5mcg

    Alfacalcidol er en aktiv metabolit af vitamin D, som udfører vigtige funktioner, der består i regulering af calciumbalancen og knoglemetabolismen. Alfacalcidol er analog med vitamin D-hormon, som aktiviseres af enzyme 25-hydroxylase i leveren til D-hormonens systemiske og - i osteoblaster - lokale virkninger. Det har en unik struktur af pleiotropiske effekter på f.eks. tarmen, knogler, pararthyroider, muskler og hjerne. Alfacalcidol er bedre end almindelig vitamin D (cholecalciferol), fordi den endelige aktivering af sidstnævnte justeres af en negativ tilbagekobling. Selv om alfacalcidol er meget anvendt til behandling af osteoporose, er dets virkningsmekanisme i knogle ikke forstået fuldt ud. Alfacalcidol stimulerer calciums (Ca) absorption i tarmen, øger Ca-udskillelse fra urinen og Ca-niveauer i serum, samt undertrykker sekretion af parathyroideahormon (PTH).
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    kr 5.56
  • Generisk Oxsoralen

    Methoxsalen 10mg

    Generic Oxsoralen is used to treat psoriasis, eczema and some cutaneous Lymphomas in conjunction with exposing the skin to sunlight.
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    kr 6.18
  • Rashfree®

    Benzalkonium Chloride, Zinc Oxide 0.1% + 8.5% 20g

    Rashfree® - cream, a brand of Benzalkonium chloride and Zinc oxide. Zinc oxide is a topical skin product that is used as a protective coating for mild skin irritations and abrasions. It can promote the healing of chapped skin and diaper rash. Zinc oxide works as a mild astringent and has some antiseptic properties. Zinc oxide is commonly used to prevent or to treat diaper rash by forming a protective barrier between the skin and the diaper.
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    kr 104.30
  • Generisk Renova

    Tretinoin 0.025% 20/0.05% 20g

    Generic Renova er en topisk form af vitamin A, der hjælper huden forny sig. Den anvendes til at reducere forekomsten af ??fine rynker og misfarvning af huden, og udglatter hård ansigthuden.
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    kr 76.48
  • Generisk Rheumatrex

    Methotrexate 2.5/10mg

    Generic Rheumatrex is used for treating certain types of cancer, severe psoriasis or rheumatoid arthritis in certain patients.
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    kr 6.38
  • Generisk Salicylic Acid

    Salicylic Acid 12% 50g

    Salicylsyre er en keratolytika (peeling middel). Salicylsyre anvendes på at opløse det øverste lag af huden. Salicylsyre topical (for huden) anvendes på at behandle acne, skæl, seboré eller psoriasis, også på at fjerne ligtorne, callus og vorter.
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    kr 139.09
  • Scarend Silicone

    Silicone 10g

    Scarend er en populær hurtigtørrende gel fra silikone og cyclopentasiloxane, der hjælper med til at formindsker sår.
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    kr 0.00
  • Generisk Tazorac

    Tazarotene 0.1% 20g

    Tazorac - is 0.05% topical gel containing tazarotene as a basic component, used to treat psoriasis or acne. It is a retinoid product related to Vitamin A. It works by affecting the growth of skin cells. The foam form of this medication is only approved for use on acne.
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    kr 0.00
  • Generisk Temovate

    Clobetasol 0.05% 15g

    Temovate er et generisk lægemiddel, der anvendes til behandling af betændelser og kløende hud på hoved på grund af nogle hudtilstande. Det anvendes også til behandling af psoriasis i moderat eller svær grad.
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    kr 86.92
  • Tretiva®

    Isotretinoin 5/10mg

    Tretiva is used for the treatment of severe recalcitrant nodular acne. Nodules are inflammatory lesions with a diameter of 5 mm or more. The nodules may become suppurative or hemorrhagic. Due to the risk of significant adverse effects associated with its use, Generic Isotretinoin should be assigned for patients with severe nodular acne who are not responsive to conventional therapy, including systemic antibiotics. In addition, Tretiva capsules should be used by only those female patients who are not pregnant, because Generic Accutane (Tretiva capsules) can cause severe birth defects. Tretiva capsules are manufactured by Intas Pharmaceuticals Ltd.
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    kr 8.70
  • Generisk Valtrex

    Valacyclovir 0.5/1g

    Generic Valtrex anvendes til behandling af helvedesild (herpes zoster), forkølelsessår (feberblærer eller herpes labialis), og behandling eller at undertrykke genital herpes hos patienter med normale immunsystem. Det er også anvendes til at undertrykke genital herpes hos patienter med HIV-infektion.
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    kr 43.68
  • Generisk Ziana

    Clindamycin/tretinoin 1%+0.025% 15g

    Ziana er en kombinationsmedicin, der anvendes til behandling af svær nodulær akne hos voksne og børn, der er mindst 12 år gammel. Clindamycin er et antibiotikum. Det bekæmper bakterier i kroppen. Tretinoin er en form af vitamin A. Det reducerer mængden af olie udgivet af oliekirtler i huden, og hjælper din hud med at forny sig selv hurtigere.
    Mere Information

    kr 229.55

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