
  • Generisk Aceon

    Perindopril Erbumine 2/4/8mg

    Generic Aceon is in a group of drugs called ACE inhibitors. It is used to treat high blood pressure (hypertension) and to prevent heart attack in people with coronary artery disease.
    Mere Information

    kr 14.84
  • Generisk Adalat

    Nifedipine 10/20/30mg

    Generic Adalat is used for treating high blood pressure and angina (chest pain).
    Mere Information

    kr 4.78
  • Generisk Aggrenox

    Aspirin - Dipyridamole 25mg + 200mg

    Generic Aggrenox is used for reducing the risk of stroke in patients who have previously had a stroke due to a blood clot in the brain. It is also used to reduce the risk of stroke in patients who have had transient ischemic attacks (TIAs).
    Mere Information

    kr 8.26
  • Generisk Altace

    Ramipril 1.25/2.5/5/10mg

    Generic Altace is used for treating high blood pressure or decreasing the risk of heart attack, stroke, and death in certain patients. It may be used alone or with other medicines. It is used along with other medicines to manage heart failure and improve survival after a heart attack.
    Mere Information

    kr 6.27
  • Generisk Azor

    Olmesartan And Amlodipine 20mg + 5/40mg + 5mg

    Azor indeholder en kombination af amlodipin og olmesartan. Amlodipin er en calcium-blokker. Den virker ved at afslappe dine hjertemuskler og blodkar. Olmesartan er en angiotensin II-receptor antagonist. Olmesartan giver dine blodkar til at slappe af og det sænker blodtryk og blodet kan flyde lettere. Azor anvendes for at behandle forhøjet blodtryk (hypertension). Ved at sænke blodtrykket kan risikoen af hjerteanfald eller slagtilfælde.
    Mere Information

    kr 11.95
  • Generisk Brilinta

    Ticagrelor 90mg

    Ticagrelor helps to prevent platelets in your blood from sticking together and forming a blood clot. An unwanted blood clot can occur with certain heart or blood vessel conditions. It makes risk of stroke repeating lower.
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    kr 14.34
  • Generisk Bystolic

    Nebivolol 2.5/5/10mg

    Generic Bystolic is used in treatment of hypertension and for left ventricular failure.
    Mere Information

    kr 7.77
  • Generisk Calan

    Verapamil 40/80mg

    Generic Calan is used for treating supraventricular tachycardia, a rhythm disturbance of the heart. It is also used for controlling heart rate response to other rhythm disturbances, specifically atrial fibrillation and atrial flutter.
    Mere Information

    kr 4.78
  • Calan SR

    Verapamil 120/240mg

    Generic Calan Sustained-Release is used for treating high blood pressure. It may be used alone or other medicines.
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    kr 7.17
  • Generisk Cartia

    Diltiazem Hcl 30/60/90/120mg

    Generic Cartia is used for treating high blood pressure and chronic stable angina (chest pain). It may be used alone or in combination with other medicines.
    Mere Information

    kr 7.17
  • Cartia XT

    Diltiazem Hcl 180mg

    Generic Cartia XT is used for treating high blood pressure and chronic stable angina (chest pain). It may be used alone or in combination with other medicines.
    Mere Information

    kr 20.91
  • Generisk Catapres

    Clonidine 100mcg

    Generic Catapres (clonidine) lowers blood pressure by decreasing the levels of certain chemicals in your blood. This allows your blood vessels to relax and your heart to beat more slowly and easily. Generic Catapres is used to treat hypertension (high blood pressure). Generic Kapvay brand of clonidine is used to treat attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).
    Mere Information

    kr 2.87
  • Generisk Cordarone

    Amiodarone 100/200mg

    Generic Cordarone is an antiarrhythmic medication that affects the rhythm of heartbeats. It is used to help keep the heart beating normally in people with life-threatening heart rhythm disorders.
    Mere Information

    kr 7.17
  • Generisk Coreg

    Carvedilol 3.125/6.25/12.5/25mg

    Generic Coreg is used for treating high blood pressure or certain types of heart failure. It may also be used after a heart attack to improve survival in certain patients. It may be used along with other medicines.
    Mere Information

    kr 5.38
  • Generisk Coumadin

    Warfarin 1/2/5mg

    Generic Coumadin is used for treating or preventing blood clots that may occur in the veins and lungs. It is used to treat or prevent blood clots that may occur because of a certain type of abnormal heartbeat (atrial fibrillation) or heart valve replacement. It is also used to reduce the risk of death, recurring heart attack, or blood clotting events (eg, stroke) after a heart attack.
    Mere Information

    kr 5.58
  • Generisk Diovan

    Valsartan 40/80/160mg

    Generic Diovan is used for treating high blood pressure alone or with other medicines. It is also used for treating heart failure in patients who do not tolerate angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors.
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    kr 11.55
  • Generisk Edarbi

    Azilsartan 40/80mg

    Generic Edarbi (azilsartan) is an angiotensin II receptor antagonist. Azilsartan keeps blood vessels from narrowing, which lowers blood pressure and improves blood flow. Edarbi is used to treat high blood pressure (hypertension).
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    kr 14.34
  • Generisk Effient

    Prasugrel 5/10mg

    Effient bruges ved siden af aspirin af patienter med hjertesygdomme (for tidligt hjerteanfald, ustabil angina), der foretager en bestemt hjertebehandling (angioplastik). Denne medicin hjælper med at forhindre andre alvorlige problemer med hjerte/blodkar (såsom hjerteanfald, slagtilfælde, blodprop i stenter). Det fungerer ved at blokere blodplader fra at klæbe sammen og forhindrer dem i at danne skadelige blodpropper. Sådan en "anti-blodplade effekt" hjælper blod med at flyde uforhindret i din krop.
    Mere Information

    kr 8.96
  • Generisk Entresto

    Sacubutril + Valsartan 26mg + 24/51mg + 49mg

    Entresto contains a combination of sacubitril and valsartan. Sacubitril is a blood pressure medicine. It works by increasing the levels of certain proteins in the body that can dilate (widen) blood vessels. This helps lower blood pressure by reducing sodium levels. Valsartan is an angiotensin II receptor blocker (sometimes called an ARB). Valsartan keeps blood vessels from narrowing, which lowers blood pressure and improves blood flow. Entresto is used in certain people with chronic heart failure. This medicine helps lower the risk of needing to be hospitalized when symptoms get worse, and helps lower the risk of death from heart failure.
    Mere Information

    kr 46.60
  • Generisk Imdur

    Isosorbide Mononitrate 10/20/30/60mg

    Generic Imdur is used for preventing angina (chest pain) caused by heart disease.
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    kr 3.58
  • Generisk Inderal

    Propranolol 10/20/40mg

    Generic Inderal bliver brugt til at behandle højt blodtryk eller atrieflimren. Det bliver brugt til: patienter med hjertekramper for at nedsætte hjertefrekvensen og øge motionstolerancen, for at nedsætte risikoen for hjertestop og død i tilfælde af at patienter har overlevet et hjerteangreb, for at håndtere specielle typer af tremor (en hjertetilstand kaldet hypertrofisk subatrisk stenose), eller særlige symptomer af fæokromocytom (en adranal tumor). Det bliver også brugt til at forhindre migræne.
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    kr 4.78
  • Inderal LA

    Propranolol 40/80mg

    Generic Inderal LA is used for treating high blood pressure or atrial fibrillation. It is used in patients with angina to decrease angina frequency and increase exercise tolerance; to decrease the risk of heart death in certain patients who have survived a heart attack; to manage certain types of tremors, a heart condition called hypertrophic subaortic stenosis, or certain symptoms of pheochromocytoma (an adrenal tumor). It is also used to prevent migraine headaches.
    Mere Information

    kr 5.73
  • Generisk Inspra

    Eplerenone 25/50mg

    Eplerenone blokerer hormonet aldosteron i kroppen. Aldosterone er vigtig for regulering af blodtrykket. Eplerenone anvendes til behandling af kongestiv hjerteinsufficiens efter et hjerteanfald. Eplerenone bruges også til at behandle højt blodtryk (hypertension).
    Mere Information

    kr 14.34
  • Generisk Isordil

    Isosorbide Dinitrate 10mg

    Generic Isordil is used for preventing symptoms of angina (chest pain) caused by heart disease. This medicine is used alone or with other medicines. This medicine is NOT intended for the immediate relief of acute attacks of angina.
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    kr 6.97
  • Generisk Lanoxin

    Digoxin 0.25mg

    Generic Lanoxin is used for treating heart failure and slowing the heart rate in patients with chronic atrial fibrillation, a type of abnormal heart rhythm.
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    kr 5.38
  • Generisk Livalo

    Pitavastatin 1/2/4mg

    Livalo (pitavastatin) hører til en gruppe midler der kaldes HMG-CoA reduktase eller statiner. Pitavastatin nedsætter niveauet af dårlig kolesterol (lavdensititets lipoproteiner eller LDL) og øger niveauet af god kolesterol (højdensititets lipoproteiner eller HDL). Livalo anvendes for at behandle øget kolesterol hos voksne. Reducering af kolesterol kan hjælpe at forebygge hjertelidelser og åreforkalkning, lidelser, der kan føre til hjerteanfald, slagtilfælde eller vaskulære sygdomme.
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    kr 5.97
  • Generisk Lopressor

    Metoprolol 25/50/100mg

    Generic Lopressor is used for treating high blood pressure, long-term treatment of chest pain and reducing the risk of death because of heart problems in patients who have had a heart attack.
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    kr 5.97
  • Generisk Nimotop

    Nimodipine 30mg

    Generic Nimotop is used for reducing problems due to lack of oxygen caused by bleeding from a blood vessel in the brain.
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    kr 11.55
  • Generisk Nitrostat

    Nitroglycerin 2.6/6.4mg

    Nitrostat is in a group of drugs called nitrates. Nitrostat is used to treat or prevent attacks of chest pain (angina).
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    kr 5.97
  • Generisk Norvasc

    Amlodipine 2.5/5/10mg

    Generic Norvasc is used for treating high blood pressure and angina (chest pain). It may be used alone or with other medicines.
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    kr 4.58
  • Generisk Pletal

    Cilostazol 50/100mg

    Generic Pletal is used for reducing attacks of intermittent claudication (pain, cramping, numbness, or weakness in the foot, hip, thigh, or buttocks) that may occur after walking.
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    kr 8.96
  • Generisk Pradaxa

    Dabigatran 75/110/150mg

    Pradaxa hjælper med at forhindre blodplader i dit blod i at klæbe sig sammen og danne en blodprop. Pradaxa anvendes til at forebygge blodpropper og mindske risikoen for slagtilfælde hos personer med en bestemt type af hjerterytme-lidelse. Pradaxa er også brugt til at behandle eller forebygge blodpropper i venerne i benene (dyb venetrombose eller DVT) eller venerne i lungerne (lungeemboli eller PE).
    Mere Information

    kr 46.60
  • Generisk Procoralan

    Ivabradine 5mg

    Procoralan virker ved at påvirke hjertets elektriske aktivitet for at bremse hjertefrekvensen. Ivabradine bruges i visse mennesker med kronisk hjertesvigt til at sænke risikoen for at skulle indlægges, hvis symptomer forværres. Ivabradine er ikke til brug, hvis du allerede har symptomer af hjerteinsufficiens, der for nylig blev værre, før du startede på denne medicin. Ivabradine kan også anvendes til formål, der ikke er anført i denne medicinske guide.
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    kr 12.19
  • Generisk Ranexa

    Ranolazine 500/1000mg

    Ranexa (ranolazine)er et antianginal lægemiddel. Det virker ved at forbedre blodomløbet og til at hjælpe hjertet med at arbejde mere effektivt. Ranolazine anvendes til at behandle kronisk halsbetændelse (brystsmerter). Ranolazine kan ikke anvendes under akut (alarmerende) angreb af halsbetændelse.
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    kr 7.17
  • Generisk Samsca

    Tolvaptan 15mg

    Tolvaptan reduces the level of a hormone that regulates the balance of water and salt (sodium) in the body. High levels of this hormone can cause an imbalance that results in low sodium levels and fluid retention. Tolvaptan is used to treat hyponatremia (low levels of sodium in your blood) in people with heart failure, and certain hormonal imbalances. Tolvaptan improves urine flow without causing the body to lose too much sodium as you urinate.
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    kr 71.70
  • Generisk Tambocor

    Flecainide 50/100mg

    Tambocor er i en gruppe af lægemidler kaldet klasse IC antiarytmika. Det påvirker din hjerterytme. Flecainide bruges i visse situationer for at forhindre alvorlige hjerterytmeforstyrrelser.
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    kr 7.17
  • Generisk Tenormin

    Atenolol 25/50/100mg

    Generisk Tenomin anvendes til at formindske dødsfare (очевидно, в исходном тексте имелось ввиду снижение риска смерти?) på grund af hjerteproblemer efter et hjerteanfald. ATENOLOL (en aktiv bestanddel) er en betablokker. Betablokkere reducerer arbejdsbyrden på hjertet og hjælper det at slå regelmæsigt. Medicinen anvendes til at behandle højt blodtryk og at forhindre brystsmerte. Det også anvendes til at beskytte hjertet under et hjerteanfald og at forhindre yderligere hjerteanfald.
    Mere Information

    kr 4.92
  • Generisk Ticlid

    Ticlopidine 250mg

    Generic Ticlid is used for reducing the risk of stroke. It may also be used in combination with aspirin to prevent a blood clot from forming after a stent is placed in the coronary artery.
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    kr 19.12
  • Generisk Tribenzor

    Olmesartan, Amlodipine And Hydrochlorothiazide 20mg + 5mg + 12.5/40mg + 5mg + 12.5mg

    Tribenzor indeholder en kombination af amlodipin, hydrochlorothiazid og olmesartan. Amlodipin er en calcium-blokker, der virker ved at afslappe blodkarrene, så blodet flyder lettere. Hydrochlorthiazid er et thiaziddiuretikum (vand pille), det hjælper at reducere mængden af ​​vand i kroppen ved ad forebygge din krop fra at absorbere alt for meget salt.  Olmesartan er en angiotensin II-antagonist, der giver dine blodkar til at slappe af og det sænker blodtryk og blodet kan flyde lettere. Tribenzor anvendes for at behandle forhøjet blodtryk (hypertension).
    Mere Information

    kr 14.34
  • Generisk Vasotec

    Enalapril 2.5/5/10mg

    Generic Vasotec is used for treating high blood pressure, heart failure, and other heart problems. Enalapril is an angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitor. It works by helping to relax blood vessels.
    Mere Information

    kr 6.57
  • Generisk Vastarel

    Trimetazidine 20/60mg

    Vastarel er et lægemiddel mod angina. Normaliserer energistofskifte i celler, der lider af hypoxi eller iskemi. Støtter energistofskifte i hjertet og neurosensoriske organer. Bruges til at forebygge anginaanfald ved iskæmiske hjertesygdomme såvel som ved Ménières sygdom, tinnitus, svimmelhed på grund af cerebrovaskulære problemer.
    Mere Information

    kr 7.17
  • Generisk Xarelto

    Rivaroxaban 20mg

    Generisk Xarelto (rivaroxaban) er en antikoagulans (blodfortynder), som forhindrer dannelsen af blodpropper. Xarelto bruges til at forebygge eller behandle en slags blodprop, kaldet for dyb venøs trombose (DVT), hvilket kan føre til blodpropper i lungerne (lungeemboli). En DVT kan opstå efter visse typer af kirurgi. Xarelto bruges også til personer med hjerteflimmer (en dysfunktion i hjerterytmen) til at sænke risikoen for slagtilfælde forårsaget af en blodprop.
    Mere Information

    kr 60.94
  • Generisk Zestril

    Lisinopril 2.5/5/10mg

    Generisk Zestril anvendes til at behandle højt blodtryk alene eller sammen med andre mediciner. Det kan også anvendes til at behandle hjertefejl eller at forbedre overlevelse efter et hjerteanfald.
    Mere Information

    kr 4.66

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